Food and recipes

Best weight gain shake recipes

Hello, I know that this had most likely been asked before, but I would like to know what weight gain pills and weight gain shakes work the best to help someone with a high metabolism like myself pack on the pounds
2 years

Best weight gain shake recipes

Antihistamines Diphenhydramine(Benadryl) is an appetite stimulant but it makes you drowsy so time it so you eat a massive meal then give yourself at least 6 hours to sleep.
Peanut butter shakes with butter added. Melted ice cream.
For me, drinking the calories works the best.

I’m sorry, does that really work? Do you mix Benadryl in the peanut butter shake? Do you drink it before going to the buffet? Surely there’s a better appetite stimulant option.
2 years

Best weight gain shake recipes

Antihistamines Diphenhydramine(Benadryl) is an appetite stimulant but it makes you drowsy so time it so you eat a massive meal then give yourself at least 6 hours to sleep.
Peanut butter shakes with butter added. Melted ice cream.
For me, drinking the calories works the best.

I’m sorry, does that really work? Do you mix Benadryl in the peanut butter shake? Do you drink it before going to the buffet? Surely there’s a better appetite stimulant option.
2 years

Best weight gain shake recipes

May I ask how many you take exactly? Before you eat? For one sitting.
2 years

Best weight gain shake recipes

What I just made...
A shake that was 1300+ cal. Cup of cream, banana, protein powder scoop, 1/3 cup peanut butter, and top off with milk. So good. Feeling full. So fattening it's making me horny. Must do this again.

2 years